Sunday, August 26, 2012

My Little Man

We needed a desk. Badly. We deemed the MDF hand-me-down as unsuitable for the move and decided to get a sweet desk once we got to Japan. So after I got off work on Thursday, we headed to Nitori Furniture Store in Hachinohe. I asked Mark if he wanted to stop at Lapia first to see the puppies. 

We walk into the pet store after dealing with some heinous rush hour traffic. Most of the puppies are the same ones I saw the week before. We turned to leave for the furniture store and that's when we saw the poster board. There were pictures of about 10 puppies, none of which were in the window. One of the little pictures looked like a lab puppy. I see Mark's face light up. 

Mark:  Lab puppy? (points at picture of puppy) 
Pet Store Owner: Hai. Labrador Retriever. (Hai is yes in Japanese)
Mark: For sale? In back? (points to other puppies)
Pet Store Owner: Hai. Get.

The man goes in the small room behind all the puppies. A few minutes later, he produces an adorable yellow lab puppy. I think Mark squealed a little. Crap. We aren't getting a desk tonight and we definitely aren't getting Coco's curry.

Thirty minutes later, after a warning of no refunds and the presenting of a confusing pedigree certificate, we are back on the road to Misawa with a 7-week-old male puppy.

Passed out after attacking my hand for 30 minutes.

The 45 minute drive home gave us ample time to debate his name. Brutus? No. Frank? Hell no. Rex? Maybe. Jackson? Yes. That's it. His name is Jackson.

Probably his first outdoor experience.

He's a really good puppy and very smart. It's hard to stay mad at his cute little face.

Not having AC is rough for everyone.

Passed out.

Being an adorable puppy is really tough.

As for the desk, we got one of those too, yet it remains unnamed at the moment...


  1. Where did you get the puppy?
    And is there anymore available?

  2. We got him at Lapia which is the little green building next to the mall in Hachinohe. The dogs are a little cheaper there than Shimoda.
