Monday, October 7, 2013

Takko Town Beef & Garlic Festival

Hi friends. So can we talk about the BEST festival in all of Japan, possibly even the world? We can? I knew you'd feel that way.

That's the face of pure festival ecstasy - festistasy. 


The three pillars of what I consider my existence, melded into one glorious weekend on a ski slope of another random Japanese town. Takko Town, if you were so inclined to know. That's right my friends, the Takko Town Beef & Garlic Festival, the biggest, little festival of them all.

The 229 Dome, where all the magic happens.

Now there's something you need to know about this post:
1. All of these pictures are from last year's festival.
2. I took most of them.
3. I was heavily intoxicated.
4. They are probably the worst pictures we have ever taken at a festival.
5. #longhairdontcare

It's the reason for the season!

So now that we've been completely honest with each other, I can tell you why this is the greatest festival in all of Japan, possibly the world. I love this festival because it is a gigantic BBQ in a field. Period. There's a small stage with some Japanese cover band looking the part of the Bon Jovi song they're covering. Everyone is drinking, laughing, and enjoying the early fall season. And it couldn't be more perfect.

Standard picture of me blending into the crowd. Can you find me?!

This is the first festival Mark and I went to in Japan, and it is the only one Mark has INSISTED on going to every year that we're here.

Takko beef. This year it was completely gone by the time we got there.

I managed to stay more sober this year, but we focused way more on the grilling portion instead of taking pictures. We brought a bunch of pre-cut veggies and marinated meat. It was amazing.

Mark and our neighbor, Tapper, manning the grill. We were such n00bs.

As with any festival, there were the vendors; though this one has far fewer than any other festival we've been to.

I wish I knew what these were. 

And that's about it. Our favorite festival. No frills, just good people, great food, and stellar beer.

And the Father of the Year Award goes to...

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