Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It's For The Cats

Anyone who has known me, even for a short period of time, knows I'm a horrible housewife. I'm an excellent cleaner (if that's what you will call it), yet I often put it off until all hope is gone. The dust bunnies have created several generations by the time I wipe out their bunny city. I also am a hopeless cook. Unless it comes in a box with instructions, I can't cook it.

Due to being a horrible cook, I eat pretty much the same things every day. Most people think I'm a picky eater. Not the case, I love trying new food, but my skill set rests somewhere between Easy Bake Oven and Tuna Helper. Plus, I'm lazy.

Being a bit of a health nut, a few of my "staple" meals are: eggs, cottage cheese, and canned tuna/chicken. Grocery shopping means getting my cart as close as possible to the tuna can stacks and running my arms along the shelf, like I'm a contestant on Supermarket Sweep. Those closest to me describe my procedures as "shopping like a single lady with cats."

Hello friend.

With Mark being gone for almost a full year, I resolved to teach myself how to cook. There was my first successful baking of chicken breasts in the winter of 2011.Winning!

The first of many chicken victories.

There were some victories, and when I say victories, I mean it was edible and no one threw up after the meal. However, there was never a request for my recipes. Ever. For about half a year, I cooked these edible meals every Sunday, making enough to cover the week ahead.

Being in a foreign country without my "tools", otherwise known as my glass dish, Crockpot and measuring cups, and with Mark gone once again, I have reverted to my old shopping style. Eggs? Check. Tuna? Check and check.

As I'm scooping my bounty of tuna into the cart, one of the few people I have met, walks down the aisle.

Him: "Hi Sarah! How's it going?"
Me: "Good. How are you?"
Him: "I'm good."

At that point, he peers into my cart and sees enough cans of tuna to feed an entire pet shelter.

Him (curiously): "Oh, do you have cats?"
Me: (sigh) "No...I just eat like one."
Him: "Oh. Well good seeing you."

He walks off and I just laugh to myself. I've gotten so much flack from family, co-workers and friends for this obsession. I will not apologize for the offensive amount of tuna I consume. I don't care that it makes the whole office smell. I don't care that you have to take the trash out more because of it.


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