Monday, August 13, 2012

Run For It!

Confession time. I have gotten horribly out of shape since I left Alaska. Okay, that's a lie. I've gotten out of shape for me. Don't call the flat bed truck just yet. So I started perusing numerous health blogs over the weekend, looking at workouts and nutrition...the whole shabang. I've always been envious of people who just go out and run 5 miles. Even at my most fit, I have never been able to do that.

Running and I have had a long, tumultuous relationship. I tried running for the first time my sophomore year of high school. I had my first boyfriend and I wanted to feel attractive. Not for him, for myself. I only ran about a mile and half but I did it almost every day. I dropped 15 pounds without even trying. I felt great. I worked out almost every day for the rest of high school.

Then, college happened. Freshman year reversed years of good habits. Partying, eating pizza at 2 AM, erratic class schedules, and sporadic workouts put back on the 15 pounds I lost. Desperate to get back to where I was, I started the Couch to 5K running plan my sophomore year. The goal is to get someone from zero activity to running a 5K in 9 weeks. I started halfway through the plan because I knew I could run more than the required 60 seconds demanded in the first week. School got in the way, and I started skipping workouts. I abandoned the program somewhere around the sixth week.

So now, I'm recommitting myself. This time I'm determined to finish, and I'm going to do it the right way. My work schedule is less hectic now than it has been in years. My goal is to finish the program and take part in a race on base. I've never done it before and I think  know I can do it.

Tonight was the first workout. Three times this week I have to alternate 60 seconds of running with 90 seconds of walking for 20 minutes. I expected it to be harder than it was, but I learned my lesson last time, so I'm staying on course.

Music is an absolutely must for all of this. I can't stand listening to my body beg for air like an obese woman laboring over a piece of cake. So here is tonight's playlist, because I could always use a running buddy...

Run, B, Run Playlist:

  1. Lollipop - Three 6 Mafia: 4:11
  2. King of Wishful Thinking - New Found Glory: 3:42
  3. Play Your Part (Part 1) - Girl Talk: 4:44
  4. Digital Love - Daft Punk: 4:58
  5. Good Girls Go Bad - Cobra Starship: 3:17
                                            Total:  20:52 minutes

Happy running :)

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