Monday, August 6, 2012

The Adventures Of Skype

I downloaded Skype years ago and never saw much use for it when I could just call someone on my cellphone. And then I moved to a foreign country. Now it's the only way that I can call anyone back home for free. After using Skype exclusively for almost a month now, there are some things that happen in just about every conversation.

The Five Minutes of Hello:

This is the beginning of the call where both parties repeatedly say, "Hello? Hello? Can you hear me? I can hear you, can you hear me? Hello?" This goes on for several minutes because no one shuts up long enough to hear a response. It's a free service, so it lags. Can't complain about free.

The Geeked Out Face:

Every time you connect with someone, they always have this look of sheer joy, tinged with "oh my god I can't believe this actually works!" I call this the geeked out face. And it happens to everyone, regardless of how many Skype conversations he/she has had in his/her life. This is usually followed by some enthusiastic hand waving. If there is more than one person in the room, this is also the point that everyone either: a.) rushes in front of the camera or b.) the call "originator" pans the device across the room so you may see your audience.

The Blair Witch Project:

At some point in the conversation, you have to move, which means carrying the device with you. And it always looks like "The Blair Project" if it had been cast in a living room instead of a forest. If you have a particularly awesome Skype partner, they may indulge you with a few lines from the movie. I smell a trilogy...

The I Gotta Go:

If you're talking to someone for a longer period of time, you will inevitably have to go to the bathroom at some point. With a phone, this is easy to mask with a mute button during a friend's long story about some dude who may or may not like her.

"But, Sarah, I'm a lady. I never go to the bathroom while I'm on the phone."

Not only are you delusional in thinking I can't tell, you're also a liar and everyone knows it, so just admit it, okay?

So this is what happens.

I will not say who did this, to protect the innocent, but thank you for: 1.) turning the camera the other way and 2.) trusting my friendship enough to do this. Probably not one of your better choices, but I love you more for it.

So that being said, Skype is a lot of fun and I love waking up or going to bed with the image of your face...or bathroom burned into my retinas. If you haven't downloaded Skype yet, which I don't know why you haven't because I would love to make sweet screenshots such as the one above with you. It's fun and FREE! Skype with you soon!


  1. I, personally, have NO qualms about going to the bathroom on the phone. If I am on the phone with someone THAT long, they can go ahead and HEAR me pee... even if it's customer service with GCI
