Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Zumba...and Other Hopeless Pursuits

Dancing has never been a strong suit of mine. I was so bad at dancing my mom pulled me out of my child ballet classes because, well, I just sucked too much.

I thought I got better with age. I would sneakily test out my moves by "pretending" I was goofing around and gauge others' reactions, which resulted in my husband shouting, "Go, Disco Shrew, go!"

My moves have been compared to:
  • A newborn deer on ice
  • An ax murderer chasing his victim
  • Someone in dire need of a toilet
Despite all of this, I tried Zumba with a co-worker almost two years ago. I can't say that I was hooked, quite the opposite. I felt frustrated and self-conscious, and like I got cheated out of a workout.

My co-worker assured me it just took awhile to get familiar with the moves. She said she was just as bad the first time she went too. So I laced up and shook my booty again. And again...and again. And it never, ever got easier, three years later.

Tonight I started going to Zumba again. And I left frustrated and self-conscious, and like I got cheated out of a workout. But I'll still keep going. Every week. I'll be in the back looking like a lost puppy. Why?

Because there are some things in life you'll never be "good" at and it's okay. Because sometimes it takes really sucking it up to value what you are a rockstar at. Because challenges make us feel alive. 

Because sometimes, you just have to...

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