Saturday, August 11, 2012

King's Crossing

One of my favorite artists is Elliott Smith. Smith tragically died in 2003, while recording his sixth album From a Basement on a Hill. Upon his death, his producer of previous albums and former girlfriend mixed and produced the album, releasing it almost a year after his death.

One of my favorite songs on the album, for a very minute detail, is King's Crossing. It happens towards the end of the song, around the 4:00 minute mark. Unfortunately, copyright issues do not allow me to share the video here, but if you would like to hear what I am discussing, click here.

The part that sends shivers down my spine are the following lines:

       Ain’t life great?
       Give me one good reason not to do it.
       (Woman's voice, barely audible): Because I love you.
       So do it.

Upon researching, I have found the woman's voice is Jennifer Chiba, Smith's girlfriend at the time of his death. The line was included as a tribute to the crowd from live performances, as this was shouted out to Smith.

The gesture, and line for that matter, have always spoken to me. During depressive spells, I have contemplated a world without me, as I think many have at some point in their lives. Always begging for a reason why? Why shouldn't I? Give me one good reason.

"Because I love you."

It's easy to forget when the world seems so dark. When the pain of simply living becomes almost too unbearable. It's easy to forget death is a permanently solution to a temporary problem. Bitter loneliness. Succumbing to tunnel vision where there is no light. Frantically grasping for a reason to continue. Give me one good reason.

"Because I love you."

The most tragic part of the woman's lyrics are that they were added posthumously. Why do we have to wait until it's too late to say "I love you"? Three small words that mean so much. Three. Little. Words. Give me one good reason.

Because I love you...

(Author's footnote: If you are struggling, you are not alone. Please call someone. The National Suicide Prevention Hotline is 1-800-273-TALK (8255) and operates 24/7. Please don't do it. Because I love you.)

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